Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Washing Up!

Ephesians 5:26-27 “That he might sanctify and cleanse it (the church) with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”
The other day I was washing dishes and it occurred to me that before me lay a lesson. As I began there were a number of plates, forks, and spoons that were easily handled with a simple wash-cloth. The food seemed to simply slip off in the warm sudsy water. When I found that a tough food item had glued itself with iron cast determination I grabbed a nearby scrub brush and with a few rough scrubs the dish was clean as well.
Interestingly enough each item washed had its own use--its own purpose. Each of us were created uniquely by God for a reason--for a definite purpose (Jeremiah 29:11). Some of our purposes are readily seen while others seem to go unseen and are seemingly rarely appreciated. Yet, when God sets the table He views all pieces as unique and very important. Your life is important to God. Your life has purpose and meaning and significance! You may not 'feel' important but then feelings lie, don't they?
In our lives sometimes we get dirty. Our sins get the best of us and sometimes we need to be cleaned up. God baths us in his Spirit and then personally begins the cleaning process. If our hearts are yet tender before him then a simple encouragement from others or from His Word will do. And at other times God has to get a little rough with us. He declares our sin straight at us through His Word, he allows a little hardship, and brings out the scrub-brush. Yet, through it all God has a purpose. He cleans up our lives so that we can shine for him, so that we are fit for service, and so that we can reflect Him. God loves you and me too much to allow our lives to be scarred with the crumbs of sin and so He cleanses our lives, daily!
Father, thank you for the purposes that you've given our lives, thank you for caring so much! Caring so much that you consider us precious enough to call to us and cleans us from all unrighteousness. Father, forgive us of our sins and cleans us through your Word and through your Spirit. Make us instruments for your glory!


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