Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Faith of Rahab

By an act of faith, Rahab, the Jericho harlot, welcomed the spies and escaped the destruction that came on those who refused to trust God. [Hebrews 11:31]

Rahab, the one person that commentators have fussed over, argued over, and seemingly wanted to sweep under the corners of their theology rugs… as for the heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 11 they deem that she doesn’t fit well. Why? Rahab was a harlot. [Joshua 2:1]

Harlots and heaven are not suppose to go together. Harlots are known as the worst of people… the dregs of humanity.

Yet, God loves harlots… even if we don’t. God’s view is to separate… the sin… from the sinner. He forgives the sin and the sinner becomes sinless…

God forgives and forgets… can we do the same? [Psalm 103:12]

Rahab believed God and helped the spies of Israel. Her faith was tied to action… she risked her own life to help another people…

Rahab is much like we are… she believed what she heard. She believed the report of how the Red Sea was dried up and how two kings who came against Israel… were destroyed. [Joshua 2:8]

Rahab’s belief went beyond her label. She forgave herself and her past and instead looked to the God of Israel for help… for mercy… for forgiveness… for grace.

We live in a world of Rahabs… some Christian… some not… most have played the harlot with some temptation of this world. Either that be food, sex, entertainment, sports, or self-absorbsion… or self-promotion in one way or another… at one time or another we all have bowed down and worshipped something or someone other than Christ our Lord. Maybe you haven’t… but I have.

I’m guilty just like Rahab and like her my only hope is in Christ Jesus my Lord. I have no righteousness… none… I’m just who I am… and that person needs help every day… every moment. Otherwise I’ll do my own thing… lean on my own understanding… or worse… I’ll put on a religious mask that is always… happy… self-righteous… and seldom… truthful. The world needs truthful and honest people… believers… and not more religion…

Rahab was honest… she was truthful… she believed… it is no wonder that the spies went to her home and in her put their trust…

Do the hurting people around you… put their trust in you?


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