Friday, August 28, 2009

Trust in the Lord

When all else fails why not trust in the Lord? We’ve all tried trusting other things, we’ve put our trust in people, in institutions, in religions, and on and on it goes… you name it and most of us have put our trust in that and what have we gotten? We’ve suffered loss.

And yes that loss hurts. It stings our pride, burns our hearts, brings our anger to the surface, and either humbles us or develops into even more pride; more lifted up in ourselves without an acknowledgement of our tremendous need for God (1 John 2:16).

Yet, in Christ and through Christ we are blessed through… suffering.

For what did the “author and finisher of our faith” do with his suffering (Hebrews 12:2)? Christ learned “obedience by the things which he suffered” (Hebrews 5:8).

Trust is linked to obedience and obedience to suffering.

So often in my life I hear folks or myself complain about rules and regulations or bosses or well… you name it. We are really, really good at complaining… how good are we at obeying?

Yes, that is sharp. The Word of God is sharp, a two edged sword and when I’m not in my Father’s Word then I’m not obeying Him (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) and therefore I’m not trusting Him.

I know. We are all busy. And we promise ourselves, the Lord, and those who remind us that when we finish this or that… then we will get into the Word. Another distraction, another project, another tasker comes down and…

It comes down to priorities doesn’t it? It comes down to the question, how important is God? How important is it for me to really know him? And do I trust him enough to make Him #1 and stand back and watch him honor that commitment and that trust?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This writer is awesome. I have been so touched by these devotions that I have shared them with my church and friends. I miss the devotionals as this is the last one. Mr Bryd if you read these comments please don't stop writing them. Thank you for your inspiration.

Blogger Michael Byrd said...

Thank you for your encouragement. I plan on restarting these devotional writings.

God Bless!


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