Friday, September 22, 2006

Open Before God

Open up before God, keep nothing back; he'll do whatever needs to be done: He'll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon. Psalm 37:5-6 (Message)

In all of our hearts there is a need for a connection. A need for friendship that sits so close to our hearts that we can hear each others heartbeats. Otherwise there is this lonliness feeling that drags at us and that in a crowd keeps us alone.

It is that empty place of our lives that we were created with. A place reserved for the love and communion with God. Without opening our hearts to Him we miss the best that God has in mind for us.

God’s heart is open to us; he is set at the ready to come into our hearts and fill us with friendship and fellowship. This is God’s longing; to so indwell our hearts and lives that even when poor… we are very rich.

That even in sorrow… there is his peace. That even when terror and fear cross our paths that we can confidently say, The Lord will “do whatever needs to be done.” And, ‘my God has never failed me, no never.’

When our hearts are open and trust in the Lord then we worry less on the outcome. For our concern is loving and praising Him who gives us cloudy days as well as days of blissful sunshine all to create in us a trust and hope firmly planted in Him!


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