Thursday, August 17, 2006

Lead Beside Quiet Waters

“He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.” Psalm 23:2

There is something special about rest, about silence. Quiet times have a way of calming us and quieting our troubled minds.

Too often our world is filled with noise. Often times the t.v. is on or the radio or the roar and rush of passing cars and trucks, or those pesky cell-phones are ringing...

Too often it seems we seek out noise so that we don’t contemplate our relationship with the Lord. We always seem to be doing or listening instead of doing what the Lord wants or listening to his still-quiet voice.

Doing is not that important… following Him is. Being in close relationship to our Creator is His greatest longing—it should be ours.

Consider Christ’s example…

When was the last time you walked down a country road… alone?

When was the last time you took the time to sit, in quiet, and consciously listen to the Spirit of God?

When was the last time you rested and read a good book?

Our Heavenly Father knows that we need rest and quiet at times. For in the quiet times we recharge and recoup from the injurious words spoken by someone or the regrets we may have with kind words we left undone.

Consider time with the Lord and rekindle His strength and peace in your heart and in your mind…


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