Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fulfilling our wants and needs

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1

There’s a lot of want in this world. People wanting something new, bright, and shiny; reminds me of babes in their cribs… with arms stretched upward…

Yet, any parent will tell you that the bright, the shiny, the jingly, and the new will only pacify for a very short time. The real want… the real comfort only comes in the arms of a loving mother or a loving father.

When our hearts are next to our Heavenly Father then we have no want… we have no need. The new, the bright, and the shiny loose their gloss for they cannot warm the human heart.

It’s when our hearts are apart from our Heavenly Father—that’s when we want/we need the newest and brightest that this world has to offer. They temporarily quell for a moment or two the longing and hollow heart.

True contentment… true comfort… true filling of the longing of our hearts is only found when our hearts are next to His.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” James 4:8


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