Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Goodness of God

O taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Psalm 34:8

There are times in this life when it is simply good to stop and consider; ceasing from activity and reflecting on the goodness of God. From morning to evening He blesses us and keeps us. His loving-kindness pulls at our hearts to be like Him—to be good.

Yet, in our everyday lives; when the rubber hits the road and the stresses of over-commitment, the to-do list that is not entirely according to his daily plan for us, and our own stubborn and willful ways we find that his love for us is mixed with mercy.

Our Father’s goodness and mercy helps us each and every day. When we find ourselves in trouble we call on our Heavenly Father and he delivers, he keeps, he shelters us and protects us.

How good and merciful is our loving Father! How kind and merciful are His ways towards us! We are a blessed people because of God!

Father, thank you for your goodness; your goodness that forgives our mistakes, that watches us while we sleep, and that delivers us when we are in rough-spots—typically from our own wrong doing. You are good and great and this morning we praise you!


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