Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Sound Mind

2Tim 1:7 (KJS) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

The other evening Belinda and I turned on the t.v. and found... well nothing on worth watching. True, we don't have cable-so we are limited to 5 stations but of those five you would think that at 7 p.m. 'prime-time' that something worthwhile for the family would be on-something worth watching. Not!

Let's review these five options: option #1 - the Hispanic channel this is great for the Hispanic folks only we don't speak their language. Option #2-Dance America-or something like that-we both left that behind us a few generations ago... Option #3- Detectives who are solving a murder-well, we've seen about a hundred thousand of these so we opt out... Option #4-The pseuo-christian channel who are praying over hankerchiefs and asking for $100.00 donations--whatever! And finally Option #5-a special report on what is wrong with our President, the War, and our Country by the ultra liberals... o.k. it's time to rummage through the DVD's...

We seem to have a society bent on going crazy. If you listen to the radio too long... watch a little too much television... then you can feel the swirling pull of the world as it slithers downward.

There's always a 'new' gimmick, the 'hottest star' or the 'must have invention' but with a sound mind we can see through all of that as just another sales gimmick... another quick-rich gimmick that will flare up for a moment and then extinguish very rapidly... for us, dear friends the Word of God is our constant peace, our continual joy, and our source for a sound mind and calm heart during these days of continual change.


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