Monday, June 12, 2006

Same Purpose

Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Philippians 2:2-1

God ultimately has one purpose. That purpose is the salvation of mankind. That salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone. No other works are needed, prayers to no one else should be accomplished, and confession is only required between sinner and Christ, no priest need apply.

It is mankind and his attempt at religion--mankind and his perverse twisting of the scriptures that has created such a mess of religion that we see in the world today. God never intended multitudes of religions or beliefs.

There is only one belief, there is only one religion, and there is only one faith. These are declared in the Word of God. A Word that mankind will not read because it convicts the heart—and so it’s pages gathers dust…

Yet, in this writing there was a singular of purpose and that purpose ultimately was the salvation of souls. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the agenda of many churches of our day, here in America. Many churches of our day seem more concerned with their building fund, with passing the plate, with attendance rolls, with remolding projects, with their cosmetics… they continually teach and train their people…I ask… for what? When will they ever send them forth? The world is dying all around us… some 80,000 people die in Asia every single day without ever hearing the Gospel preached… capable ministers sit under ministries for years—would not God call them elsewhere-does not God care for the poor of Asia, Africa, and China? No one ever speaks of our brothers and sisters in the prisons… why is this—are we ashamed of them?

Whatever happened to soul winning? What ever happened to preaching? What happened to missionary work in the field and to church planting and to taking the gospel throughout the world? Do not the poor deserve the gospel? Or is the gospel reserved for the rich and affluent? To whom did Christ preach to?

How do we Christians in America portray to the other Christians in the world the spirit of Jesus Christ? Do we have the same mind? Do we share our wealth with them or do we keep it for ourselves, did you know the average Christian in Asia makes around $242.00 a year. And you know what with all this speaking of money and poor and wealth and the such that’s really not the issue… what is the issue is Christians lack of care for other Christians and Christians lack of care for the world—it’s no wonder that the world dislikes us—they see right through us…

We so often declare that Jesus Christ is coming back soon… well, I ask… what are we doing about it… will he find us busy… about our Father’s business?

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in prison and those starving in Asia.


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