Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Numbered Days

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 KJV)

Our days are numbered not by good health or the food that we eat or by the exercise gained. Our days are marked off day by day on our Creators calendar. He gave us life—he determines its length; for our lives are like the ticking of a clock wound just as long as required.

In the time given us we are allowed the control of choice. We choose with every moment of our day to live for God or to live for ourselves. If our if godly our heavenly Father watches over, cares for, and helps us with our decision. If our choice is otherwise then we are on our own; left to our own devices and our own outcome.

When the spring in our clock stills, when the last tick is history and the Creator marks off our last day then the fullness of our earthly life is measured. Our lives are measured not by righteousness or unrighteousness on our part, for we have none-we never had any.

The accumulation of our days bundled together and called a life is measured by the unseen. The unseen called faith. Faith not in a church, not in a creed, not in what we’ve read, spoken, or wrote. Faith in a person only. The person, Jesus Christ.

Is your faith in Christ today?

Do you know the number of your days?

Heavenly Father, you’ve numbered our steps, our days, and you know our lives. Thank you for the faith that you’ve given us—faith in your Son, Jesus Christ. It is our hope and belief in him where we can rest our souls securely.


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