Thursday, May 18, 2006

Why Blame God?

“People ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why does God always get blamed?” Proverb 19:3 (The Message)

I’ll admit… this one stung me! For I’ve certainly created my share of ‘bone-head’ mistakes by not thinking before doing or by speaking instead of listening. I’m learning that most of my life I’ve eaten the wrong foods, spent my time the wrong way, and generally have been my own worst enemy. Now, like you I’m making corrections… not all mind you, for one I’m learning that ‘Rome was not built in a day’ and neither will many areas of my life correct themselves instantly. We American’s love instant stuff… we tend to abhor the good quality of patience-I’m included as usual. No, I’m trying to be patient, diligent, and smart about change in my life and most importantly, I’m praying about it all.

For after some 40 plus years I’m beginning to realize how very little I can actually do to change myself. Mike’s nature is very resistant to change—yet I must in obedience to the still-quiet voice that whispers to my heart. It just kills me when I don’t obey that voice, when seemingly everyday I need to ask my Heavenly Father to forgive and cleanse me-to please change my heart.

Is that your prayer today? For your Heavenly Father to change you-on the inside?

You know, I believe that God will honor that prayer and your life will begin to change. Oh the change is so slow and slight that even you might not notice it altogether but then we are talking about changing the heart—and not the outward—not for gain but out of love and worship to our Heavenly Father. We are like trees planted by a river—those trees change everyday—our Heavenly Father is aware of their change and ours as well—even if we are not.

God’s changing you. You are growing, maturing, and becoming something altogether wonderful. True, you... just as I... have our moments and days when we slip up but the thing is we are ever quicker to the throne of grace; ever increasingly we know who to blame… and it’s not God… it’s ourselves.

Father is teaching us that His way is best.
He’s got everything under control.
There’s a purpose in what you are going through today.
Only trust and obey Him, no one else, not even yourself.

Heavenly Father, you are pretty incredible, you know. I mean, it’s often amazing how much mercy you show us… your kids. We make a lot of mistakes on this life’s journey and yet you are patient. Sometimes I get angry at life’s situations or frustrated at my own mistakes and I lash out and blame you… Father, forgive, blot out my sin, and restore me as your child-a child who needs you so desperately! You are so awesome in love and mercy and goodness and majesty. Oh, that my lips would boast of you before the haters of you and that my heart would melt in your daily presence.


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