Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Longing Heart

My soul is crushed with longing after your ordinances at all times. Psalm 119:20

What a heart the psalmist David had! To so yearn for the ways of the Lord; words like these strike at the heart to urge us all to develop such a longing.

Too often the heart grows wearing; so many are the pressures of this life. For you, for me, there is the continual stress of the workplace. Seemingly we are continual misunderstood—if understood at all! So often in our day we have so little contact with others who think, feel, and hope as we do. In a crowd we often can feel so alone…

Often the Spirit that resides in us cries out for decency, for cleanness, for wholesomeness. Not only in our surroundings but even much more in our own lives, our own hearts.

On one hand we are constantly bombarded with depravity—in our work, on the television, through the airways of the radio and in people’s speech.

On the other hand there is this sweet nagging of the Spirit that whispers… ‘go to the Word for peace—for comfort—for your entertainment’… and ‘spend time with me… in quiet, in solitude’…

The tearing of our hearts between these two is enough to break one’s heart.

Oh, that our hearts would listen… and have a longing for the richness found in the Law of the Lord!

There is peace in God’s Word,
A contended place found there,
A calming spring for the weary soul,
A lasting comfort for our cares!


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