Friday, May 18, 2007

Still Small Voice

And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. 1 Kings 19:12 (KJV)

In our moments of solitude there is often this unquenchable desire to hear from the Lord. Often, we just want some kind of reassurance that He still loves us, cares for us, and thinks of us.

Sometimes we go to church and hope to ‘feel’ something… anything… to hear something in the message… to find relief.

Yet, the thunder of a sermon does not satisfy. The fellowship is always a good and wonderful thing but deep… deep inside we want more.

We grab a ‘spiritual-self-help’ book written by a leading pastor but the words don’t quite hit home… they are good words… good advice… but they don’t shake our ground… they don’t light a fire beneath us.

When the mind has no other recourse… no other option… we decide to try the simple and true… the old fashioned way… and so on our couch, or at a table, or during a walk we pray. It’s hard at first because there’s not much to say but after a while we sense the presence of God. We don’t ‘feel’ his presence but we sense and believe that he hears, he understands, he cares, and he loves.

The Lord does not need to send a thunderstorm, a whirling wind or an enveloping fire. His Spirit… the gentle, quiet, calming presence that resides within believers speaks unfathomably soft, unmentionable still, and lifts our souls, wets our eyes, with unspeakable peace…

The Lord still speaks to his sheep… will they hear his voice?


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