Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Encourage Others and Yourself

“Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God— soon I'll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He's my God.” (Psalm 43:6 The Message)

Sometimes we need to encourage ourselves in the Lord, sometimes others need encouraging. Sometimes the ‘reason for the season’ is lost amongst the planning, the shopping, and the ‘to-do’ list that is ever present and ever growing. The pressures and stress of this Christmas season can leave many feeling blue and over-whelmed.

Often Christmas preparation is left to the ladies in our midst and too often it is overwhelming. Their inner-list of what needs to be accomplished is long and foreboding. The subtle influence of marketers preaches that only this gift will suffice or this decoration or this spread of foods and treats.

Sometimes a step back is a step forward. Sometimes simplicity is best and beautiful and needful. Having all the trimmings is a blessing and wonderful but at what cost?

In this season of giving may we not forget to give to ourselves. For how can we serve others when we are overly taxed, tired, and weary?

In this season of celebration may our hearts remember to celebrate and look to God for comfort, peace, and calmness. May we ask for help when help is needed. May we endeavor to be thankful for what we have and give a helping hand to those preparing so that they may be encouraged, filled with joy, and not so over-burdened.

This Christmas season will come and pass because it is temporal. But our God, our relationship with him is eternal. Soon the Christmas lights and trees will come down but the glory of Christ will never fade, will never be boxed away for another season.

Having a heart that loves, that cares, that shares, and that gives is what Christmas is about—not the doing. Sharing our joy of Christ and celebrating His life is what is important. Laughing and smiling with family brings more to the table than innumerable treats could ever do.

Give God the glory, whistle him a song, and make your heart glad at His goodness, mercy, and season!


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