Friday, January 09, 2009

Joy in good news

A twinkle in the eye means joy in the heart, and good news makes you feel fit as a fiddle. Proverbs 15:30.

In a world we live in there’s not a lot of good news these days. Greed and corruption, anger and fear and doubt persist. As predicted in the Bible—systems of this world are falling apart. Humanism now has a black-eye.

Yet, for all of that there is a whole lot of good news. We just have to see it. When times get tough people tend to turn their attention back to God. When human-made systems fail due to corrupt human nature some people come to an understanding that the only true goodness comes from God. Goodness found not in a pretty slogan, a well-pressed suit, or great orations from a platform, no from God.

When on our darkest day we’ve been given grace to look up and see God’s silver lining then there is joy unknown to this world. A joy that carries us through the rough times and prompts our hearts to give, to share, and to encourage.

Giving and caring and loving because that abiding joy prompts us to. Joy that leads us and guides us to help and to uplift. That is the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. The joy in the power of God’s great grace and great love for us all.


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