Sunday, June 27, 2010

Keep Seeking the Thing Above

I'm not sure about you but here lately I hear a voice whispering in my heart to 'come up higher'. A voice tied to scripture that proclaims, "Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God (Col. 3:1).

What does that mean? Is that high mindedness? A thought or belief that I'm superior to others? No, hardly! Rather, it’s a heart and mind that looks heaven-ward to such things as service, mercy, prayer, and joy. Attributes that are not base… see Col. 3:8 or based on self but on the needs of others.

For if you want joy then give joy to someone else. If you need encouragement then try encouraging someone else. Yes, it’s not easy but sometimes we must grab the horns of our rotten nature and drag it to the altar and present it to our High Priest, Christ our King. Sometimes, you just have to do that which feels unpleasant, isn’t fun, hurts a lot, and is out of character for how you’ve been acting for some time. You and I have a choice, we can stay in a rut or through Christ’s grace and some tears we can believe His promises, give ourselves a good swift-kick and begin changing our attitude.

For you know… you can make a change if you want to. God’s not going to force character change down your throat… He will help you but you need to ask. All God is asking from you or me is to believe him enough to get off our duffs and take the first step… often God will be there to hold your hand on the second, third, and so on steps.

So, can you trust Christ enough to look up… look up and at his Word and then look around and see the great need… and then go meet that need. If you were sad or depressed or worried you soon won’t be for your heart will sing of joy, God’s praises will adorn your lips as your give… as you serve… and as you care for the needs of others instead of dwelling on your own.


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