Wednesday, August 18, 2010


But the others said, "We can't attack those people; they're way stronger thanwe are." They spread scary rumors among the People of Israel. They said, "We scouted out the land from one end to the other—it's a land that swallows people whole. Everybody we saw was huge. Why, we even saw the Nephilim giants(the Anak giants come from the Nephilim). Alongside them we felt like grasshoppers. And they looked down on us as if we were grasshoppers."(Numbers13:31)

Sometimes our problems look pretty scary. They seem to rise up and grow bigger than we are until... they look like giants and we feel like grasshoppers. I don't know about you but I really dislike that grasshopper feeling. For it means that I'm not in control, that, I don't have a handle onthis situation, and yips... others may know.

There's something about pride that doesn't like reality. For the truth is... if we are living right with God then we will actually feel pretty small at times. We feel small, because we've given up on being something or someone we are not... news flash... we are not giants. We are common, ordinary people that a very unordinary Almighty God got a hold of and is changing.

We are a people with issues. We are a people that are a mess. We've got problems, we are problems, and yet we are forgiven. We are just the type of people that God can use... because through our weakness he demonstrates his glory, his greatness, his mercy, and his great love. So, today maybe the landscape of your life looks pretty ugly. Maybe the giants of fear, anger, selfishness, or greed is looking down at you and ready to knock your teeth in again...

remember... who you are. You are God's kid...not because you are special... but because He is and what God is doing and changing in your life makes you special... makes you royalty! So, don't let the giants get you down. Turn those problems over to God and watch as Christ the giant slayer takes them apart or out of the way and usesthem for your good... and His glory!


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