Thursday, January 19, 2006

God's Thoughts For You

'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. {Jeremiah 29:11}

God has a plan for our lives. Often His plans are quite different from our plans. His plans are different because they are better—so much better than our plans. We have a tendency to take the easier road since we like our comfort zones. If you are like me then you don’t like disruption—we would rather that our lives continued along a bump-less road. Yet, God will not have it to be so. His best for us means that our comfort may need to be disturbed so that we reach for more, seek for more, long for more…

In whatever circumstance you and I face we have the many promises of God to rely on and that remind us of his great love for us. God has a wonderful plan and purpose for your life—remember that, hold onto that and it will help you when hope begins to fade and when plans go south.

My thoughts for you
Are only good
My plans and hopes for you
So wonderful
You have no need
To fret or fear
For I know your name
And I’m always near…


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