Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Crunch Time

Matthew 6:33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Have you ever noticed that when your schedule is changed that you find yourself in a major time crunch? When a change occurs in your life there are so many do's and list's to contend with that very often they can block the essentials.
What are the essentials? The essentials to a Christian's life are (1)the relationship with our Heavenly Father. What does that mean? That means on a moment by moment, day by day walk is my heart clean enough to talk with him freely. Is the ever nagging sin that seems to occur on a daily basis in my walk forgiven? Can I go to my Father in prayer or do I keep prayer in the background of my mind? Am I cool with the Father?
Another essential (2)The Word of God. Do I moment by moment long to read it, long to embrace it, and long for it to change my heart and my life? Or do I put it off until tomorrow-or when I have more time or when its more convienant? Do I fear reading it because it will expose who I really am-do I hunger for its teachings to echo across my heart - burn across my mind - and melt the sturbbornness of who I am, what I am?
(3) Prayer. Do I pray all of the time or do I put that thought out of my mind? In the checkout stand, at work, in those spare moments do I pray for the cashier, the butcher, those people who come across my pathway, my life? Or am I so self absorbed that I could care less what other people are doing, thinking, feeling-regardless of the spiritual state of their heart. God help us if we don't pray! (4) Fellowship. When I'm seperated from my brothers and sisters in Christ do I feel out of place? Do I miss their fellowship, their counsel, their rebuke? Or do I shy away from any and all Christian fellowship? Do I think evil of my brother or sister in Christ?
Heavenly Father, thank you that we have open and clear access to your throne of mercy! Thank you that with a word, a prayer, a confession that the iniquities of our hearts can be cleansed, washed away, forgotten forever! Thank you for your Word that thrills, inspires, encourages, and cuts the fleshly-carnal part of me-renewing our minds and hearts in you. And Father thank you for fellowship-for those around us who care so much, give so much, and love us so much that they put up with us, forgive us, and pray that we everyday ever become more like you.


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