Friday, January 30, 2009

Our Coming King

In an era of hope it seems that many have lost theirs. Yet, when hopes are dashed by the taking away… then is true hope brought to light. Such a hope and light we have, an inheritance that does not fade (1 Peter 1:4) but is “reserved in heaven for you.”

For consider… that kingdoms have come and gone, kings and princes have reigned, songs and sculptures were crafted and now they are no more. They are now all dust and their memory faint. The gleam of their trophies and great speeches are lost, their hopes and dreams vanquished and their people’s souls reserved for judgment. For hope without Christ is a lie.

And hope that springs from human thought, might, or persuasion is not hope at all, that is deceit. A deceitful imitation of what is to come, our coming King. For the King that we look for is called, “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 6:6). On his shoulders will rest the government and it will increase in peace… He will judge “with righteousness the poor and decide with fairness.” (Isaiah 6:7, 11:3-4).

In that day the “earth will be filled with His knowledge” and He will rule with righteousness and faithfulness. That day is closer to us now than ever before. It approaches like thundering horses ferociously bringing dread, torment, and horror to the inhabitants of this world but not for us. For us it clears the way for us to glorify… our hope, the coming King.

We have a hope. Not in this world or the things of this world. They will “pass away” but the banner of righteousness that waves in our hearts and souls never will! (Matthew 24:35; 2 Peter 3:10). A righteousness not earned, not bought with coin or influence but with the “precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” (1 Peter 1:19). He is our rock that the world of old and our present one will reject but to us he is precious, humble, and all together lovely.

He calls to us, in the morning, during the night, and in the midst of hopelessness. He waves his orchestra of beauty in the trees, the mountains, the oceans, the faces… calling for our obedience and our trust. He shouts in whispers to our very being and we too often… fail to listen, look up, and heed. We need not a device, a hand-out, or a token of pleasure… we need, we crave righteousness. Oh, that our lives would honor Christ in our living! Oh, that light would spring forth from our unrighteousness to the pervading darkness that so many grope in! Oh that we were free from this body of bondage to knell down and cast our filthy crowns at his glorious feet! Come dear hope, dear Savior, most sovereign Lord and King!


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