Thursday, February 02, 2006

Count Your Blessings

Psalm 21:6Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.
Remember the song, "Count your blessings, name them one by one....", if you really read the wonderful words that Johnson Oatman, Jr., penned over 100 years ago you sense... no, you know that this man had a deep walk-a deep walk with his Lord! Today, don't you want that? Isn't there something so deep-so buried that longs and yearns for fulfillment? Don't hide from that longing-give in to it, grasp hold of it, and allow it to carry you higher and further with your Heavenly Father than you ever dreamed or hoped for. For not everything in this life is sour grapes - God's on the throne! God's got a plan for your life, and it's a good plan! God loves you, cares for you, and watches over every breath, every hope, and every heartbeat that proceeds from you. God's more interested in you than you are in yourself-God loves you more than he loves Himself. He died for you... remember? Love God today! Sing a song, this song, any song to his heart for he is worthy, he is gracious, his is wonderful, for the uncountless blessings he blesses you with daily!
Father, thank you for your blessings, for your goodness, for just being who you are! It's a wonder that we have just this inkling of knowledge about you yet with such knowledge we are overwhelmed, overjoyed, and besides our selfs at the goodness and faithfulness and love that you are and that you have. Loving you in our greatest blessing and knowing you - our greatest joy!


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