Friday, June 08, 2007

Help in time of trouble

The righteous cry, and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. Psalm 34:17

God’s children sometimes get themselves into a jam. Sometimes we over extend ourselves or we grow lazy or we stray from the Way John 14:6.

Sometimes we need to be corrected. There is something in our life that needs adjustment to bring it into alignment with what God intended for our lives in the first place. Now, most ‘good’ Christians dislike correction. We complain that it does not feel good. Or it makes us feel bad. Or it embarrasses us and it means that we are not keeping up with so-and-so. Correction can be “grievous”! Proverbs 15:10. Correction can also prove to our hearts the great love of our Heavenly Father! Proverbs 3:11.

Sometimes doing the right thing gets us into trouble 1 Peter 3:14. The Good News of Jesus Christ is not good news to a lot of people in this world. People don’t like it when their sinful ways are exposed to the glorious light of the Gospel Psalm 90:8 & Acts 26:18. When people are afraid or out of ignorance they too often… attack what they do not understand…

Your Heavenly Father understands your troubles, your trials, your set-backs, and he joys in your triumphs! He’s your Father in Heaven. A Father who cares, looks after, and at times corrects his children. Yet He has promised that come rain or shine when his kids call on his name he will answer… with help Hebrews 13:5.

When trouble comes… and it will call on your loving Father for He is faithful to deliver you, correct you, and love you along his way.


Blogger Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

In this posting I find some comfort but also fear. the guilt and the pain from my pain troubles me everyday and nearly day I am asking God to forgive again. Why do I do this? If we ae forgiven then why do I find that I need to ask everyday.

I feel like I have failed God, and in doing so, he has looked away from me.

Today, I am sad, and yet thankful that I came here and found your posting. Thank you.

Blogger Michael Byrd said...

You can have confidence that the Lord is drawing your heart closer to him. Seek the Lord! Seek out a Pastor and a church!


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