Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Growing up...

Growing up I thought of God as mean, ruthless, and unforgiving. I remember in my youth trying to read the book of Matthew and when I came across chapter five I thought to myself, “this is impossible to follow.” With my un-generated, youthful mind I could not understand why Jesus would preach a sermon that I knew that I could not follow.

Then there was the problem that I had with hell. My mom had spoken of it often but she failed to relate to me that its not a place for believers but for non-believers in Jesus Christ. I was just told that ‘very bad people go there.’ Well, in my heart of hearts I knew that I was pretty bad myself.

In the course of dealing with High School such contemplations are easily glossed over. Yet, the Lord’s mercy touched my heart at the age of seventeen and I received Christ as Lord and Savior.

After a school transfer I found myself in the ‘out’ crowd. For now I was the butt of many jokes, reticule, and pranks. I somehow forgive the insults, understood their lack of knowledge, and completed my studies… none the worse.

Many times in this walk we will feel as if we are in the ‘out’ crowd. Our Christian world view does not agree with the world’s. Our desires, hopes, and dreams are different because of the Lord’s work in our hearts.

We don’t fret so about the upcoming Presidential election. We have faith that God will place in that position whom he desires; for His ultimate plan. We don’t get ‘bent out of shape’ when another leader fails or falls or laws are perverted because we understand that this world is ever slowly coming unhinged.

And yet, with each passing day we are a day closer to the one who loves us, cares for us, and is as anxious as we are to be together, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Who I’ve found to be merciful, kind, gentle, understanding, and compassionate without end.


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