Friday, October 19, 2007

Our Rock

Matthew 7:25 "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock" (1 Corinthians 10:4).

This afternoon as I looked out my office window our little tree bends in the wind. It’s limbs twist and turn and bounce back as Wyoming gusts flex and wallop it again and again. The once green leaves are turning yellow now and those are becoming fewer with each passing day…

Sometimes, the older we are the more the wind blows in our lives. That’s because of all the storms that we’ve faced before, all the trials and tempest we’ve bounced back from. Our ‘leaves’ may not be green or black but now they’ve turned gray, those few that are left.

Sometimes like a house we get beat on pretty good. Wind and rain, snow and sleet, hard times, and cold times we go through them all, we bend and endure.

Floods come and wash away our dreams and our hopes. Rain drenches our happiness away and then the winds of worry come, yet we bend… we change… but something about us does not break (Psalm 62:6).

It’s not the trunk or the limb or our pretty leaves that gives us staying power. It’s not the framework of our house or the siding or the fragile shingles. It’s our foundation that makes us strong.

That foundation is solid, is truth, and is strong. Our foundation is our Lord, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11). The more that we look to Him, rely on Him, and trust in Him the stronger we are. For our strength comes from Him (Psalm 94:22).

The more into His Word we become and the more we do what His Word says, the more wise in Him we become (Matthew 7:24). The stronger we become…(Ephesians 6:10), the more like Him we become (1 John 3:2).

In life the wind and rain and floods will come but we can rest assured, we can have full confidence, and we can have abiding joy in our knowledge, our eternal hope, in the Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ!


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