Thursday, October 04, 2007

Showing Kindness

“To him who is afflicted, kindness should be shown by his friend, even though he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.” Job 6:14 (Job)

Ever go through something alone and have no one to come along and comfort you? It’s like a sour lemon or a gloomy-rainy day, it stinks. Having someone to bring a little comfort, a little encouragement is like a milk-shake… it goes down so smooth! So is the kindness of a friend.

God’s blessed me with friends and family that have and are showing me the dearest kindness and sweetest encouragement. To you and them my heart is so very grateful, so very thankful! Too often I reside within my own thoughts and dwell on what’s not working to just stop for a moment and smell the roses and give thanks.

And what a rose-garden God’s provided! Good folks like you that write or call and cheer me up! Friends that I’ve not seen in a coon-age and a half who let me know that they are thinking or praying and still caring for ole’ Mike.

It is out of your care and concern that this little ministry continues. For I did not learn to write or encourage or do much of anything without you… my teachers.

I think Job had many teachers. Even his ‘friends’ who so belittled him day and night taught him. So are the ways of a wise man, a man like Job. Yet, how he endured and though kept his integrity intact I’m somewhat puzzled over. For knowing me like I know me I’m not sure that my response what have been as honorable as that of Job.

That is why we read Job, David, the Prophets, the Apostles, and most importantly the Lord’s words to prayfully capture within our hearts… character… character that is kind.

Do you know someone who is suffering today? Be kind and give them a phone call or better… go visit. It will bless their day and also make you a better person for the giving!


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