Monday, October 01, 2007

God be praised!

Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.” Job 1:20-21

Why is it that Christian people think that they should always receive good and not trouble from God? In the scope of character building; is there a difference? Will we on own our own develop the character of Christ on our own or must we be nudged in that direction?

We like it when everything is going our way. We rejoice with joy and sing God’s praises for his great goodness. We feel, within ourselves, that we are justified, that we are glorifying God in our barns of plenty, our good health, our numerous friends and family members.

But, what happens when God withholds? What happens when the tables are turned and we find ourselves lacking, hurting, ill, and in need? Do we praise then? From our hearts is there an uplifting of glory and praise and majesty to God? Or, do we complain, become sour, and fret?

Also, do we place expectations on God? Do we expect that our righteousness will persuade God to bless us? If so, then is God really God or a god of our shaping? Someone whom we can control, we can predict, we can manage?

God is God even if we must suffer. Even if we are poor. Even if and when our health fails us. God is not restricted by our thoughts of him.
His character is not framed by what we think of him, for if so he would not be God Almighty. He would be a human idol.

God loves us because he chooses to. He blesses us with goodness, trials, hardships, and heartbreak because he chooses to. He knows us and he knows what is best for us. He is for us and not against us. He knows what we can take because he created each one of us individually. What happens to one may not happen to another, yet we all at some time will experience trouble.

In our time of trouble may our heart be like Job. May we recognize the awesome blessings we have by just knowing God, by faith understand that God is in complete control, and thereby place our trust fully in him. God be praised!


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