Friday, November 09, 2007

Wait on the Lord

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. Psalm 27:14

Waiting is difficult and painful. Waiting is difficult because we want everything done now. We believe that we see urgency that maybe the Lord doesn’t see. Waiting tries are faith. Nagging doubts can creep into our hearts and minds as to why the Lord delays and why he’s allowed such difficulty to come into our lives or the lives of our loved ones in the first place. But true trust and faith in the Lord doesn’t question, it accepts. Or does it? Is it good to question the Lord?

Why must we wait? Does God work in the midst of our waiting? Or, is He toying with us? Some people think this way. If you analyze this thought pattern you catch a nasty glimpse of human nature. A glimpse that is laced with rebellion, doubt, and selfishness.

For who are we to question God? Is not He in control? Is it not He that rules and reigns? Or, do we know better than He? Do we believe the lie of the garden, that maybe, just maybe we need to take control of a situation on our own?

Throughout scripture men and women waited on the Lord. Joseph waited twenty-two years before his dreams were realized. Moses, killed a man while trying to fulfill what he believed God wanted him to do but then needed to wait over forty years to fulfill the Lord’s calling in his life. Hannah waited many years before the Lord gave her a child.

They waited as we do on the appointed time of the Lord. A time when the glory goes only to the Lord and not to ourselves. Human nature loves to be glorified. The Lord delights in His glory. He will not share His glory with anyone and deservedly so.

Waiting teaches us contentment. We learn to be thankful for who we truly are and for what the Lord’s given us. Thankfulness teaches us humility and humility teaches us to give to the Lord, the glory.

The Lord knows all that you wait for. He knows just the right time to intercede. He knows that you struggle with waiting on him but he also knows how to give you comfort during such a time. He asks that you be brave and courageous and that you trust in him when fear comes or nagging doubts or unwarranted questions plague your heart. The Lord wants to know of you and me, ‘do you truly trust me’?


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