Friday, January 04, 2008

A Need for God

As far as I know, I am the most unrighteous man, that I know. I say this because I'm the only one on earth who truly knows my heart. You, or my neighbor, or my friends, or even my loved ones cannot truly know the depths of another's heart.

So, I see my need. I see the blemishes that are unlike the character of God. I see a glimmer of his righteousness, goodness, mercy, and kindness and when compared to my own character, highlights my own need, recognizes my own need. A need that surpasses the riches of this world, the glamour of fame, or the love of dear ones. A need that rises from the soul, softens the heart, and awakens the mind to the need for God.

And when recognition arises, rising with it is a heart weighted down with the cares of this world, the burden of ones own faults, and the continual fall from righteousness. In recognition - it is good to see one's own need.

Seeing one's need is a blessing worth more than all the gold, all the pleasure, and all the glory of this present life. Knowing your need breaks your heart, shatters your pride, and causes you to look beyond yourself and beyond this world for answers and for help.
God loves it when we see our need. God loves it when we realize our need for salvation, our need for strength, and our need for his peace. This honors him more than giving, more than songs of praise, and more than our presumed righteous living.

So, who is the most unrighteous person you know... and does that person have a need for God?


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