Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Looking Up!

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:25-26

There’s a lot of anxiety running crazy-loose in our day. Many establishments are failing, tottering, or being shaken. Its not by accident. There’s a plan and there’s a purpose. God is shaking some trees and reminding folks that He’s in control!

I wasn’t in control the other day… I was walking down the hall, past the Wing conference room, all the while with my head down. No, I wasn’t down or depressed, no, I was doing a bit of walking and thinking at the same Now, anyone that works with me knows that when Mike is deep in thought, well I become a little accident prone… I was walking and just before I walked into the wall, I looked up. Boy, I felt foolish and its usually when I feel that way that I learn some very valuable lessons, well this was one of them. I learned to look up.

Now, I know I was taught to look up and walk at the same time at the age of two… the busyness of my day almost helped me forget this simple instruction, so, its back to basics for me... I also learned that its not all about me or my taskings, its about looking up to see the needs of others.

All around us folks are walking with their heads down. Maybe not physically but inside they are hurting. Some of the establishments that they put their trust in, let them down. Some look around and feel helpless. Some wonder how they will pay their bills, meet their mortgage, or pay for their kids education.

In a day when so many heads are hanging low I need to look up and see what I can do to help. It may be an encouraging word, or a bit of listening, or a few dollars. All three are tools to help folks get along.

So I’m looking up and walking with Christ. Everyday I’m learning to ‘not lean on my own understanding but in all my ways acknowledge (pray) to Him’ (Proverb 3:6). By looking up to Him, I’m learning how to look up and walk towards those in need and sharing or giving and by looking up… I’m not missing a blessing but instead trying to be one… and I’m also avoiding banging my head into the wall… of anxiety!

Give it a chance… look up!


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