Monday, November 03, 2008

The Gift of Prayer

“Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the day time, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life “ Psalm 42.8

Of all the joys in life the simplest and yet most power is found in prayer. What a great gift prayer is. Prayer gives and does not ask for repayment in return, nor interest. Prayer is endless as it travels from heart to heaven and throughout our world and our existence.

Prayer for many is foreign. A foreign language that they don’t know how to start, how to continue, or exactly how to end. Prayer does not end. Prayer does not cease. Words and works may come to finality but prayer has a place before our God of Glory (Rev. 5:8).

Prayer is simply a communication with God. It is the acknowledgement of God and our need for him. Some pray standing up, some sitting down, some in the midst of their boss, and some as the look down at a sick child.

Prayer for me was difficult until I somehow learned to journal my prayers. I found a blank booklet and simply began writing letters to the Lord. In those pages I pour out my heart to Christ. I pray for the leadership of our county, the base leadership, and my co-workers, family and friends. I record not only a prayer of concern that comes to heart but God’s answer to prayer. I highlight those answers and in doing so my faith in Him has multiplied, grown, and established in my heart a deeper trust, a deeper longing, and a deeper acknowledgement of my need for Him. Pray builds faith.

Through prayer and a few notebooks of paper, the God of Heaven is changing my heart and my life. My anxieties are not so prevalent, my decisions are more steadfast, and there is more peace in my heart. My character is transforming, not over night, but little by little, prayer by prayer, and faith to faith. God changes us one day at a time…as we pray and as others pray for us…

‘Father, in these times of stress may our hearts return to you in prayer. Teach us to openly acknowledge our mistakes to you and receive from you mercy and grace in time of need. Teach us to pray and by it speak to our Heavenly Commander for guidance, direction, reassurance, and peace. Lord, I am weak. Help my weakness to demonstrate your mercy, your grace, and your character in and through this gift called prayer.’


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