Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission

“Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.” Joshua 1:6

One anecdote attributed to Rear Admiral Grace Hopper is “"It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission". This genius-lady helped create the COBOL computer language among so many, many things. She had a way of seeing a problem or a need and then applying herself to fixing it. Somehow she learned early on to not let the ‘what ifs’ in life get in the way.

Grace had it right. Get up in the morning, say a prayer, believe God, and then go for it. Attitudes will get in the way, people will say it just can’t be done, deadlines and paperwork will pile up… but those scribbling on your to-do list… may just get done when you press ahead anyway, when you do... what is really important…

When you have a Joshua-type attitude of, ‘pushing fear aside and seeing the awesome possibilities of the day before you’ then yea, you can get some good things done. And like I heard on Sunday… be a positive influence towards others… on the civilian side that is often called helping your neighbor… on the military side its called… being a leader.

So whether you are helping or leading… do so with courage, with commitment, and with passion… and then look in the rearview mirror and give a wave to… doubt and fear… but watch out… your heart and eyes may just fill with humility… as you witness… Christ working in you… through you… to help his kids out of another jam… and to look up… towards him.

‘Father, help me today, tomorrow, and in the days you give me to have courage. You know me, courage does not come easily… anxiety sure does! But help me find the courage to help those in need and to meet their need and not over do it or under do it but rather lead me to follow the servant example of Christ! Bless those who are suffering both in body and mind and may my heart continually remember… compassion.’


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