Monday, October 13, 2008

Be Thankful and Be a Blessing

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11 (NIV)
There’s a lot to be thankful for. Everyday we wake up beside someone who loves us, cares for us, and who also… puts up with us.
We either are blessed to stay in a warm home or we go to a great job. In either circumstance we can be grateful for provision and purpose.
Each day we can look around us and either see folks that we like to be around or folks we want to avoid.
The difference is our attitude, yes our attitude! Its not circumstances or others that make us cranky… not really… for we can’t change others but we can work on changing ourselves.
We can change the way we look at things. We can change our outlook. Having a thankful heart is part of it, showing mercy is the other. Ever consider the circumstances of others… who knows the inner stirrings they are trying to deal with and yes sometimes they can be an irritation… aren’t we all at times?
What they need and us at times is understanding, a listening ear, and a caring heart. The question is… are we grown up enough to overlook and understand a fault in someone else? Who knows, God may have placed that specific person in your path because they need what you can provide… or maybe you are the one who needs some help?
When we look up and count our blessings we are content. Bitter situations seem to melt away when faced with a thankful heart… we cannot be angry and thankful at the same time. But when we work on our attitude and ask the Lord for help then we are blessed, our attitude is blessed, and we are a blessing to others as well.
"A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart." – Charles Finney
‘Jesus, you’ve surrounded me with folks who care greatly. Many are those who show me great grace and mercy. Help me, teach me to be thankful… to be content, for truly I am blessed. And in my counting my blessings may I show understanding, mercy, and your grace to others and through this attitude, bless the needs of others.’


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