Friday, October 10, 2008

I will never leave you nor forsake you

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
I’m sure I made some angels snicker yesterday. Why?…, I went grocery shopping… by myself… for a list of items that I’m totally unfamiliar with…
Now I’ve gone shopping before… sometimes on my own… and sometimes with my wife… and when we go shopping I usually end up slipping away and find myself staring at the newest gadget, DVD movie, camping equipment, or hand-tool.
O, but not yesterday! My sweetheart had helped me with a list of stuff to purchase for a new dish I would cook for Friday’s men’s breakfast group. Yes, you figured it out… I’m no cook either!
So, I’m out there shopping totally out of my comfort zone. I’m looking and wondering and praying, totally uneasy because I’m doing something that I’ve not done before.
Sometimes, walking with God is like that. He sometimes leads us down pathways that we’ve never been. Why? Well, maybe he wants us to learn new things or meet new people… I’m not sure, but I know that wherever we go He will help us out and get us through.
O, yes, I got through the shopping-alone experience… I asked ladies their advice… and my cooking-dish… well, its all put together and I just pray its fit to eat for the good men I will serve in a few hours. My dear wife assures me that it is and so with some faith, some prayer, and through a small trial of anxiety… I, the ‘chef’ will give and serve… just doing that will hopefully, quiet my pesky angelic watchers, and if not… at least I added to the laughter and joy up in heaven!
‘Father, sometimes you guide us to new situations and new friends. During those times we may feel anxious or we may feel excited but regardless dear Lord we can have confidence in you that where you lead there you will guide and give others the heart, to help us out’


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