Friday, February 20, 2009

Taking or Giving

“Sinners are always wanting what they don't have; the God-loyal are always giving what they do have.” Proverbs 21:26 (The Message)

Giving is not spoken about much these days. Folks are scared, folks are worried. Yet, should our environment dictate our behavior? Or should our God-character dictate our environment?

Consider; in good times or bad… in prosperity or despair… who suffers most? Is it not the poor, the needy, and the weak? Instead of travelling the knee-jerk and easy route of giving a hand-out… I need…, we need…, to give them a hand-up! The first takes little effort and quiets our conscience quickly… the latter represents commitment, hard work, and a relationship.

For many of us it’s not the need that is so pressing… it is the want. Since the 1950’s we’ve been ‘programmed’ to purchase, to consume, and to want, want, want. Stimulating our ‘wants’ is good for business…

A consumer’s mind-set is simply self-centered, selfish, and is based on greed… and not need. I mean how many DVD movies is enough? How televisions, computers, cars, and stuff is sufficient? Mike, you might ask… didn’t I just see you go to Wal-Mart and purchase three DVDs the other day? Yes, you did. God’s Spirit is speaking (preaching) to me just as well.

You know, I wonder sometimes where my heart is… where’s my affections? I wonder why I often lack the inability to maintain a God consciousness continually. Like you and like the Apostle Paul I fight the good fight of faith… that is to keep me under control. (1 Tim. 6:12; 1 Cor. 9:27) What are you fighting?

That is what this little devotional readings are all about. They are a means of sharing, caring, giving, and receiving. I’ve been called to encourage and yet truthfully I’m often at a loss as to how. Especially when I go through much the same highs and lows as everyone else. It is at those moments that someone who is poor in spirit, someone who is needy and hungry for God or someone weak and dependent on God calls me, emails me, or walks up and encourages my heart by their sheer trust in Jesus Christ.

So as you read along you will find me exposing my heart for more of God. To do that is a gift… a gift given this instrument to prayfully assist you to expose your heart to the love and grace of Jesus Christ. And by opening our hearts to Christ we find the greatest encouragement and comfort.


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