Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ask, Seek, Knock

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" Matthew 7:7-8

If you are like me then sometimes you don't ask because you feel unworthy or the Lord's too busy or you've made up your mind of a bad outcome anyway... so, what's the use?

Yet, if we search our hearts for a moment, we see how we have half-lied to ourselves; half-lies are the most deceptive. For truly, none of us are worthy, are we? Yet, because love was crucified on our behalf, we are justified and yes, encouraged to ask. Therefore, cast-off the half-lies and ask and keep asking. You and I both know that most-of-the-time the squeaky-wheel gets the grease... the Lord, is asking us to squeak often in our requests to him.
But why? Why would Jesus ask us to ask, seek, knock? Why would you have your children come to you with their requests? Because of love; you love them and want the best for them. You want to teach them persistence, determination, and also humility. The Lord wants to teach us the same things.

Is the Lord too busy? Really? To think such a thought undermines who God is, doesn't it? Is He not all-powerful and all knowledgeable? To think in such a way equates God to the frailty of a weak and limited human being and God is far from being weak or limited. So that lie won't work, will it?

And last, we don't pray because we've made up our minds that a bad outcome will occur no matter what. Think about that for a moment... that's pretty pathetic but that thought crosses my mind from time to time... It's a wonder, isn't it, how we forecast or prophesy negative outcomes instead of simply trusting. It just goes to show how very much I or we need the Lord each moment of every single day.

'Lord, our needs are continual, our dependency consuming, and our faith is so lacking. Help us to look up and ask of you, to seek your Word and your will, and to be so close to heaven in our walk to knock on the door of your heart.'


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