Friday, February 17, 2006


Psalm 146:5Blessed are those who depend on the God of Jacob for help. Blessed are those who put their hope in the Lord their God.

Now there's a word that proud American's hate--dependency. It's a word that many believe denotes a sense of weakness and fraility... a sense of helplessness. This is the world's view of dependency and the world's view is quite different from God's view. Did you know that God wants us to be dependent... not on government, nor on ourselves, and not on our families... but on him.

Think about it... if you are a parent don't you love it when your children run to you for help? When your children ask your advice? When they seemingly hang on your every word in a time of their crisis?

God is our Heavenly Father and as a Father he also so desires for us to come to him with our needs, with our wants, with our everything... nothing is too small for God.

Consider that our act of prayer is a demonstration of our dependency on God. When we pray we are telling God, 'hey Father-I've got this problem and I need your help'... or 'Father, I really made a mess of that situation, please forgive me' or Father, you are the best... you wow me each and everyday and I'm so grateful and so honored to be your child, thank you, thank you!

For when we do not pray. When we do not partake of His Word. When we do not follow his guidance. Then on whom are we depending on, it's not Him...

Dependency comes down to a matter of trust... who will you trust with your future and your life to? To God or yourself? We can't serve them both...

Father, you've so honored me in calling me your child. Lord, I often forget you and I lean on my own understanding. I forget your Word and so my day is filled with emptiness... my own. For Father, I need you every moment of my life. I need to hear you as I read your Word, I need to know you in my prayers. Father, I'm needful - help my many needs. Lord, I praise you, glorify you, and give you the honor for all that you've accomplished in my life. Blessed be and praise to your Holy name!


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