Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Doing the right thing" cliche'?

From time to time, although more seldom in these days, I will over hear the phrase, "do the right thing." You know at first hearing of this I kind-of took this phrase as my own moto. For several years this became almost a matra to me. Yet the more that I deeply reflected on this I found it lacking...
Why, you ask? Well, the Bible is the reason - for the more that I read God's Word the more that I learned how much I didn't know of what the right thing is. And also my own inability to do the right thing continued to bother me. For you see I'm a sinner. As a sinner God's Word teaches me that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). And also, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" You see I have no righteousness, Rom. 3:10),!
Yet, I do have Christ's righteousness working in and through me. It seems that even though I'm a sinner - I just cannot stop speaking of the love, the grace, the faithfulness, the glory and wonder of my Savior, Jesus Christ! The more that I look to him in faith the more that my heart's desire is to love him. So, yes I still think of of the phrase "doing the right thing" but I look into the perfect law of liberty (James 1:25) and through faith seek righteousness instead of through my own strength.
Father, thank you for your righteousness! Thank you for saving sinners such as I and through your Word daily teach our hearts to trust and obey. May this little devotional encourage another heart to live Godly and righteously!


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