Friday, February 10, 2006

When Plans Go South

Isaiah 55:9"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your waysAnd My thoughts than your thoughts.
There are times when even the best intention does not go well. Times when the best laid plans go foul, your good favour or good fortunes take a drive south and your left there standing in the middle of the road, scratching your head and asking, “what just happened?” Life happened. Uncertainty kidnapped your plans, crossed the Dixie line and is heading for the Mexican border. No need to go chasing because those plans are long gone, kiss em’ good-bye… so, now what to do?

You could complain, it won’t help the situation, it might make you feel better though… for a little while… but then, no one will want to be around you… complainers are often likened to crooked car salesmen, you try to stay away from both… you could immediately make other plans, but then that’s acting hastily and that’s not wise… why bite-off some other new adventure when you just got your teeth kicked in? So what to do?

How about doing nothing? Let it all ride, let the disappointment sink in, fully embrace a little discouragement, learn to accept the uncomfort of failure. Go through the fire and let God burn-off some dross… Believe you me, this is a ‘road less traveled’ but it is best. It’s best to wait on the Lord, just wait… take a breather from your life and invest in someone else’s, they probably need the help and you probably need to serve.

And those plans? Those dreams? They will be just fine for God’s got them. They are quite different from your plans, they are bigger, better, sweeter, more extravagant, more daring than you or I could ever conjure up. For our plans and our dreams are gifts from the Lord… they never truly belonged to us in the first place…
Father, thank you for disappointment. Thank you for the times when I fail. Thank you for the plans that go south and for disruption that it causes my life. Father, you know best, my trust is fully in you. When pain tears at my heart I will praise you, I will believe in you and in your Word or you are faithful and good. My plans are often not so good, my intentions not always the best and I make mistakes. Yet, your plans, your ways are righteous and good-in this I praise your wonderful name!


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