Thursday, February 09, 2006

God's Faithfulness

Psalm 36:5Your lovingkindness, O LORD, extends to the heavens,Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
God is faithful, so very faithful! He makes each day new and awakens us to its freshness and gives us rest to work on this new day. His mercy is endless, not carried over from the day before when we call on him and confess our unrighteousness. The character of God leads him to be faithful; to hear our prayers, to deliver us from trouble, or to lead us down broken path-ways that often break our hearts yet God is faithful to bring comfort, to bring peace, to declare his everlasting love to us--even in the darkest of our times.
God will not leave you. His love for you will not cast you from his presence. But everyday his eyes search everyday for those who hunger, those who love the truth, those with a broken heart. God is faithful, even when we are not, even when we turn from him and sin. God will lovingly prompt our hearts to turn-turn back to him.
As God is faithful so we need to be. Our hearts should cry out to be about his business and not our own. To seek his word and not those of others, to pray for others instead of worrying about ourselves. God will take care of our problems; has he not shown himself faithful in your life? Remember when he delivered you, when he performed a miracle in your life and opened a way that seemed impassable, remember the desert that he lead you through and yet he faithfully feed you, provided for you, and showed you such great care and great concern. God is faithful, this is his character, may our character change to become ever more faithful to him with each passing day.
Father, thank you for your mercy, your faithfulness, your goodness to us. Lord, its not in our nature to be faithful to you, too often we thoughtlessly run to do our own thing, live our own lives-all with little thought of your desire or will for our lives. Teach us and help us to be more like you, to be faithful!


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