Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Living Water

It’s interesting that the Samaritan woman, whom Jesus meet at the well (John 4), that she forgot and left her water jar, at the well, with Jesus. You could say that she simply forgot it but then why did the Spirit trigger John to write it down? I guess you could have a thousand different interpretations… so I’ll add what I get from this…

I think she left it because she did not need it. She came to the well for well-water and left the well with ‘living water’, with the belief that she had just meet the Christ, and that meeting changed her heart. She went out and told other men about her meeting and they went to see Christ together. She came to the well an adulteress… but returned an evangelist!

So it is in our lives, with every meeting, we are changed…

Come to the well of living-water…
And drink to your hearts content…
Your heart will never be the same…
Your vessel full and content…


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