Monday, June 11, 2007

The Boy Daniel

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 14:27

Bad things happen to good people most every day. Often we don’t understand why and so we question God…

One day a fifteen-year-old boy was going about his daily business. The chores around the house were all taken care of and he had just started with his daily Bible reading when there was a bold knock on his door. He answered and there standing before him was a dirty and blood-splattered soldier instructed to carry him away. The boy was made to leave his parents, his home, his surroundings, his friends, and his nation at once... he never would return.

The boy Daniel was suddenly thrown into culture-shock. The Babylonians liked pleasure… a lot of pleasure… the pleasures of the flesh. They liked to eat, drink, and party. Bright-lights at all hours of the night… selfishness, self-centered, and proud-these were the Babylonians… conquerors of the world!

In Daniel’s 80 years of captivity he never lost his resolve in serving God. His peace was tried but he prayed daily to the Lord and the Lord heard him and kept his heart from fear. Daily he read God’s Word.

The same God who saw a fifteen-year-old heart so long ago sees your heart and mine. He knows of the corrupt culture that daily we must wade through. He knows of inflation, high-gas prices, and of bills that need paying. He knows the tinge of fear that crosses your heart and your mind from time to time. The Lord knows how to keep you in his peace.

We need to be like Daniel. We cannot always control the world around us. The pain of loss and separation is larger than who we are… we cannot control this either. Yet Daniel knew who was in control. Daniel knew that God was ultimately in control. Daniel saturated his mind and heart with the peace of God by spending time with God. In our day… should we not do the same?


Blogger Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

This is a perfect post. I do not know how, but this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you once again.


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