Thursday, June 14, 2007

There is a God in heaven

…there is a God in heaven… Daniel 2:28

One of the uproars of our day is the subject of ‘Global Warming’. The news commentators continually want to know what will ‘we’ do about the Global Warming situation? They ask and Government officials ask how will ‘we’ save ourselves and our planet? My understanding is that untold millions/billions are now being shifted to study and somehow combat this seemingly peril before the ‘doom’ of our planet…

In all their commentary there is no mention of God. In their opinion there is no one in heaven who can help. They believe that mankind is on their own and that it is up to ‘man’ to save itself.

Daniel knew better. Daniel knew that the wisdom of this world is often foolishness 1 Corinthians 1:20; Daniel believed that there is a God in heaven and that He controls the events of the world. Daniel believed that God held all the power and control over the earth, over the governments, over those in authority, and over the events in his life. Daniel believed when thrown into the lions den. Daniel’s companions believed when they were thrown into a fiery furnace.

The same God who controlled Daniel’s world controls ours. Global Warming is not our main concern… ours is the condition of our relationship with the God in heaven. The God that saved us from our unbelief and who watches over and speaks to our hearts and minds and who controls the heavens and the earth that he created.

There is a God in heaven and it is He who is in control!


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