Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Dependence Day

This ‘Independence Day’ marks twenty-nine years of my blessed dependence on our Lord, Jesus Christ. A dependence filled with a myriad of emotions ranging from bursting joy, gentle peace, and enduring comfort that has calmed and shaped the person I’ve become. In and through every emotional turn Christ has and continues to be my dearest and closest Friend John 15:15. He’s never failed to listen, to comfort, to care, and to understand. He knows all that I am and yet I sense His love ever clearer, ever stronger, and ever urging me to ‘come up higher’ Luke 14:10.

Along this journey He’s guided friends, family, and complete strangers my way to encourage, to rebuff, to humble, and to demonstrate His eternal love. He’s never forsaken though I’ve strayed, he’s never forgotten though I’ve tried, He’s never wavered regardless of how much I have. Yet for every misstep the overwhelming pull of Christ’s love has tugged at my heart and kept me within his reach. It is this love that I’ve become addicted. Now my hearts longing is that Christ be formed in me Galatians 4:19 and that His glory be reflected in me!

To this end and the encouraging of others in their daily walk with Christ is now my ministry. I’m not a speaker, a preacher, a pastor, or a teacher but Christ’s gifted me an ability to write and with it a word of encouragement. So, the Lord willing, the daily devotionals will continue and with it I pray an encouraging word to those who are hurt, to those who are lonely, to those who are afraid… to those much like myself. May Christ be your strength!


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