Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Reading between the lines

Reading between the lines of scripture and our own lives is the task of living the Gospel. Becoming a Christian and walking the Christian life does not ensure a quiet and peaceful life. For oftentimes there is a strained struggle that occurs within each believer. There is a war taking place that sets the carnal flesh (Romans 7:14) against the ‘new man’, the old against the new, good verses evil (Ephesians 4:24).

Each day becomes a struggle. The Spirit of God within us pulls one direction and our old nature pulls another. Some days we feel like we are being pulled apart or that we will come un-glued just trying to deal with all the inner unrest and indecisiveness’ (Romans 5:20).

For we take a step towards righteousness and it seems twice the evil confronts us. More of our sin, our wickedness, and more of our evil is unmasked and revealed (Romans 7:19). This in contrast to the majestic light of purity, goodness, righteousness, and holiness of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The fissure between who we really are and that of Jesus is so great that we at times shrink away to the nearest inner-dark hole that we can find. We try to hide within ourselves because of our own embarrassment, our own shame, our own contrived guilt. Seeing who we truly are is not easy and forgiving that person requires the grace of Christ.

Yet, the love of God calls us into His light, into His mercy, and into His righteousness to expose who we truly are (1 Peter 2:9). Nothing is fixed in the darkness. Shrinking away-hiding away from the fight may feel good for a while but solves little. Reengaging the enemy takes courage and grit as we foresee some battles may be lost, more of our pride is lost, and ultimately broken…… we fall before the cross of Christ.

Yet, it is in our emptiness, in our failure, in our brokenness… that Christ is strong within us (2 Corinthians 12:9). The image… the character of Christ takes form within our hearts… And when Christ is revealed in us… only He receives the glory. Only Christ is praised, glorified, exalted, and magnified. For we testify freely that not through us nor from any strength of our own nor any righteousness on our part but all this… is the Lord’s doing!

The Lord is working in your heart to bring you to maturity in Him. He’s not cast you away. He’s not forgotten you. He will forgive. He will heal. Be patient… be still… and know the awesome power of our loving Savior!


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