Monday, October 22, 2012

The Strong Road to Egypt

"Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horseman, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord" Isaiah 31:1

Today, and every day we have this choice set before us. The choice of who to trust.

Many have extraordinary gifts, talents, and minds. Many know how to
manipulate, how to influence others all for the purpose of getting what they want. We live, work, and play in a world of intimidation, of underlying anxiety, and fear of perception. And when we submit to those forces we may find a smooth road.
Yet, if grace be for us and introspection call us then we will learn the realization that our smooth road leads to Egypt. And that realization will drive us to the ditch of awareness, of caution,and the Fear of the Lord. That ditch of dishonor is of the highest blessing and calling for we are off the road to Egypt and on the lonely path, our Lord trod down.
While there, we watch as the army of self-righteousness marches by. They are strong, they are valiant, and they are proud. They do not fear missing the mark, their hearts torment not when their sin separates them from the Lamb for even for a moment. We caution our hearts from judgment for except by the grace of God, we too will resume the road of strength and not of faith.

These instruments of strength in our own minds are the deceits of the flesh that so long for the flesh-pots of Egypt. This is, praise, acceptance, prominence, and self-confidence. This, thinks highly of self, struts in secret self-righteousness, and disdains the way of the cross for the way of religious mediocrity.

Stay in the ditch if we must. Walk in heaviness and trudge the path of dependence, trust, and humility. Praise the Great One for this high calling in Christ that caused our hearts to turn, stop, and consider.... So, Turn! Escape the strongholds of fleshy Egypt and run in desperate fear to the Holy One, the Righteous One, the Anointed One and never... never look back!


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