Thursday, February 23, 2006

Seek first His kingdom and righteousness

“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”
(Matthew 6:33) The words of Jesus Christ…

What do you seek today? Is it to rush through the morning to get to work? If so, then what will you seek at work? To get your work done? Then what will you seek when your day of work is done? A meal and some television? Some rest, some comfort so that you can work again the next day? Will work fill that empty longing in your heart?

Or is it a boat that you seek, or a new car, or a new home? Once obtained what then will your heart seek after next? If you take a moment to reflect on your life you might realize that all your life you’ve sought after something… (Psa. 14:2)

But what of God? Who seeks Him? Who longs to be in His presence? Who desires His Word more than food, more than sleep?

I know that in my life when I’ve sought after God, when my true desire was to seek His righteousness in my life that during those times I was content, my heart was at peace (1 Tim. 6:8). I went to work like everyone else but it seemed that I accomplished more because I was not distracted by worry, by fear, or by blind ambition. During lunch breaks I did not need a soda but only a few Words from my Heavenly Father. After work my heart turned to the needs of others, to my family. Once met my heart glowed before His Word and in longing prayer. At night my rest was peaceful, my heart filled with joy and gratitude for a merciful and loving God who blessed me so (Psa. 4:8)

Today, what will you seek? I pray the Father’s Kingdom and righteousness is foremost on all of our thoughts and heart on this blessed day.

Father, thank you for your Word, for your Spirit that fills our hearts and for your peace that passes all understanding! (Phil. 4:7)


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