Sunday, March 05, 2006

"We're on pilgrimage to worship him"

“We're on pilgrimage to worship him." Matthew 2:2 (The Message)

Just as those men from the East were on a journey, a journey to “worship Him”; so are we.

This journey takes us through mountains high and valley’s deep. In our pursuit we encounter times of the greatest joy, of the highest glory, and of the peaceful beauty found in Him-on a mountain top.

Other times, we face trials and tests; times of loneliness, rejection, grief, and tear-filled sorrow. We cross desert places where the sun is hot and the air is dry, and our thirst is not quenched though we drink readily from His Word; when our hearts are broken, and our cries are often, when peace and comfort leaves us…

At other times we cross meadows green, with shimmering streams, and the abundance of life; our hearts are content, our hearts are towards others, and songs of joy roll from our lips.

On mountain top or valley low we journey but we are not alone. For God is on the mountain with us and God is with us in the valley. We worship God in either place in our life for He’s worthy. For regardless of the situation in our lives we walk through it in search of worshipping him, for he’s worth the pilgrimage!