Saturday, May 06, 2006

God's Ways are Best

“By transgression an evil man is ensnared, But the righteous sings and rejoices”. Proverbs 29:6

Each day we find out more how maligned a world that we live in. Every turn of the television channel leads to more products to purchase or reports or stories of death and disease and social break-down. In watching, too often our hearts can be down-cast, become depressed. This, America’s past-time of couch entertainment is presented as its best…

Yet, there is a better way. A quiet atmosphere, a calming one, that calms the heart, mind, and soothes away anxiety. A calm home ambience of reading, relaxation, and enjoyment of good music. Of quiet conversations, a cup of tea, and peace. After only a few hours the melodies caress the heart, the meditations on God’s Word affect the soul and praise comes forth. Praise not forced--praise that flows.

God’s ways are the best.

Heavenly Father, thank you for peace, for your goodness, for the blessing of your Word. Thank you for stillness, for quiet, and for calmness. Lord, our hearts sing your praise. You made us this way-to have a heart full of calmness and full of joy everyday. Your ways are best.


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