Thursday, July 05, 2007

'A Prayer of Praise'

I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. (2 Samuel 22:4)

‘Sometimes the best that I can do is praise you, O God! Sometimes Lord I’m such a mess inside. I’m filled with fear…, with a nagging apprehension…, with such a doubting heart. Sometimes I’m under such attack…, sometimes the fight is so fierce that I grow weary…, O help my God! Help, my deliverer!’

‘O Lord in my frailty…, in my weakness…, be glorified! O know this… that regardless of my present problems…, regardless of my current anxiety…, regardless of happiness…, contentment…, laughter or tears that I have purposed to praise you! I will lift and magnify the name of my God…, the greatness of His counsel…, the wonders of His way. For the ways of my God is great…, his salvation is precious…, and his mercy ever enduring!’

‘Sometimes the best that I can do is praise you, O God! Not doing for you, not sacrifice, not a gift, not work… put to praise. For what are my works compared to you? What goodness do I possess? What righteousness lies within these sin-layed folds of my flesh and mind? What honor does a vessel possess?’

‘Therefore if my best is to offer you praise then praise I will offer. With my whole heart I will praise you, I will not hold back, I will not be ashamed to praise my God! I will speak of your name, of your works, of your mercy, of your goodness, and of your great, great love!’

‘Praise be to God who saves and delivers! Who forgets not the hurting! Who remembers the orphan, the widow, the oppressed, the poor, and the ill! Blessed be the name of my God for his goodness, his greatness, his mercy, and his love!’


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