Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Welcome Home

God told Abram: "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you”. Genesis 12:1

Just think of it! We are closer to home than when we first began this Christian journey. With each passing day, each passing step, and each passing breath we are closer to home…

The home that will eternally comfort our hearts and warm our souls is the home of our Heavenly Father. The aches and pains of this present life…, the tears… the fears of an unknown tomorrow… gone!

All replaced by the glory of God! Filling the air will be praise, adoration, and singing… beauty beyond beauty will fill our eyes as we gaze upon the beauty of eternity… the beauty of the beloved!

Today we are closer! The finish line approaches… our reward is just a head… the road of our journey coming to a close.

May we remain faithful, diligent to witness, and hopeful until our arrival and God’s acceptance of… “welcome home”.


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